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Kristin LaBeau

mathematics educator + consultant

Hi! 👋 I’m Kristin. I light up when talking about education, learning, and in particular, math. I am the luckiest that I get to geek out with others about how to best teach kids. Bottom line: I want all students to be inspired to solve problems, take risks, build confidence, and enjoy challenges. I spend my time figuring out how to best support teachers in order to do that.


  • Abacus+Company Poster Shop


    Looking for classroom decor that inspires and motivates? We promote open, creative, & engaging math instruction through modern & inspiring posters.

  • Professional Development

    Courses for K-12 educators looking to learn more about effective mathematics instruction and growth mindset classrooms.

  • Foundations Newsletter


    A newsletter from a parent & teacher perspective exploring how to build and support strong foundations in reading and math. Learn along with me.